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  • Writer's pictureKay Phillips

Review: Heartland

Five out of Five Stars

One sentence summary: A super sweet friends to lovers college romance with goats, caramel, and the Shipleys!

First thought: I loved this one! Dylan and Chastity's story was honestly just a sweet read the whole way through.

Why I read it: I'm going to read anything Sarina writes, the moment she releases it!

POV: Alternating M|F, Present Tense 

Tropes: Friends to Lovers, Small Town, College Romance, Virgin Heroine

Our Heroine: Chastity. I love her passion and excitement about the world around her. I'm glad Sarina gave us her story and happy ending, since we met her briefly in Keepsake. I was worried I wouldn't connect with her, but I felt like she and Dylan are some of the most relatable characters I've read recently.

Our Hero:  Dylan. OMG, a man who loves animals- double swoon. I loved that Dylan felt like a real college student and his story sometimes felt like Sarina's The Ivy Years series. Visiting a college campus again made me wishing for my own college friends. Who were just as sweet and fun loving- but certainly not as muscly as Dylan is.

Overall thoughts: In my last Sarina Bowen review I commended her for being a world building genius and this book is evidence of interweaving world Sarina has created for us. I constantly think about her characters and what they might be up to. Dylan and Chastity's story was charming on it's own, but I loved getting glimpses into other people's lives as well.

The sexy scenes:  🌶🌶🌶🌶/5

The best part of the book: I liked the feel of the love story with this one. Dylan and Chastity are just sweet all around, like I needed to hold my kindle to my chest a few times.

What wasn't working for me: No complaints!

TLDR: A great trip back to Shipley's Farm. Some one help me come up with another way of describing these two that's not just sweet!

How I read it: I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Links: Heartland on Goodreads & Amazon

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