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  • Writer's pictureKay Phillips

Review: Payback


by Amy Daws

Four out of Five Stars

One sentence summary: After a rough break-up Allie's out for a bit of revenge, too bad she doesn't realize this one night stand will be a whole lot more. 

First thought: I swear to god if my husband doesn't start playing professional soccer... 

Why I read it: Amy Daws is in my top five favorite romance authors! Honestly, I can't be more grateful to be a part of her ARC team. I've been stalking her social media since Dominate was featured on The Story Bites Podcast. 

POV: First Person, Present Tense, Alternating M|F

Setting:  London, England 

Tropes: Sports Romance, One Night Stand

Our Heroine: Allie. She wasn't the hero for me. I think she's a bit immature, but I knew what she was going to do before I even read the book. Filming intimate moments is a bit of a trigger warning for me-- I thought I'd be able to separate fiction from reality, but this happened to someone I'm very close to and I just couldn't get over it.   

Our Hero: Roan. I need to find myself a man that knows how to dance! (please don't tell my husband) Roan was persistent about pursuing Allie and I loved that. I don't always encounter heroes like that, so Roan was really fun to read. His confidence exploded from the page and when he stood up to the Harris Shakedown: swoon! 

Overall thoughts: When I wasn't reminded of Allie's indiscretion, I loved this story! I actually haven't read Strength yet, so it was pretty awesome watching the Harris Brothers act brotherly toward Allie. And, Strength is going on my TBR short list. I love big character books and getting to see the growth of everyone. Particularly Vaughn. AMY-- I want his happy ending. I'm super excited at the prospect of Freya and Mac's story, or really anyone else on this football team.  

The sexy scenes: I'm dead after reading these scenes. 

The best part of the book:  Roan! He's one of the hottest heroes I read in forever.. I mean, I guess since I've read Gareth's story. 

My least favorite part: When I read Gareth's story I raved about it being the perfect end to a series I'd read out of order... I'm glad to revisit the Harris brothers and their teammates, but I kept thinking about those final scenes in Surrender. The pomp and circumstance is incredible, so I felt some kind of way that we were revisiting it. 

TLDR: Whether this is your first visit to the world of footy romance, or you've been team Harris bros since Camden-- Payback is sweet, sexy, and fun romance read. 

How I read it: Advanced Reader Copy generously provided by the author. 

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